Friday, August 6, 2010

Have you guys seen this?

Pwease forgive me for the snail-paced updates... It's been a hectic few weeks BUT a more exciting one coming next week: Cape Town Fashion Week!!! YEAY!! More on that later.

Wanted to quickly ask if you, DeGorgeous reader, have seen Saltwater Girl (aka SWG) Magazine? It's like a surfer-dudette's guide to (punkish/rock star) style? Discovered it last night (late, I know - but i'm not exactly the target market... sooo...) and - though it's not a typical fashion glossy - it's super swaggered, lol!, with fashion spreads of ready-to-wear Roxy/Billabong-type of clothes assembled to look like something Rihanna would give a bash which was "as cool as... Madiba" (kid you not, it says that on the August cover - don't you just love it already?). Word on the fashion spreads: really well put together - even I was sold on Roxy being my next stop for fashion updates.
While reading it, you can't help but hear your self say words like shweet and shwakka (side note: do people still use that?)

The main reason I really like it is because the whole magazine has a very blog-feel about it. Not formal, in anyway, has common written errors (which I, honestlym found quite cute), quick notes and facts and it's really a fun read... love it already! Keep it up Candice (former SWG "fashion Fairy" - that was really her business-card-written title, I giggled!)

PS> this is not an advert, LOL!

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