Monday, December 13, 2010

Spotted: "The Male Marie Antoinette"

I had such a good laugh when I popped my head in to see what entertainment blogger, Mika Stefano, has been up to and was in stitches when I saw what he had to say about one of my looks.

Setting: It was a DeGorge Joburg Saturday afternoon and I found myself at a house I do not even dream of affording (something like R120 or R200million - that's like US$25mil) for a lovely pool party in the plush Sandhurst suburb. I was, naturally still riding on Support a South African brand on Fridays, and my entire outfit was meant to frame a braided belt-cum-summerscarf I picked up at a steal from Two clothing and I polished it off with one of my favourite sunnies by Carducci.

Well, this is what Mika had to say about me and my look, too funny:
"Fashion Fundi and Blogger, Maque De Gorgeous was there looking like a male Mari Antoinette. I must say I love his pose, you can see he has been watching America’s Next Top Model…lol…"

That's an extract from his blog, btw, I really had a good laugh at this one! Thanks, I think? lol

PS> I do not watch America's Next Top Model, i guess the show is just too "Fierce" for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should watch nana