Monday, February 21, 2011

Bongiwe Walaza

One could argue that this collection had more Edwardian references - there was too much attention given to the collar - than Victorian - which is more about covering it ALL up -, but either way - her inspiration of the Victorian era with a Xhosa narrative was well received by the crowd, including the First Lady of South Africa, one of them, who was comfortably seated in the front row (whom I saw smiling)...

The piping on the edges of the voluminous gowns told her Xhosa roots, while the silhouette told a dramatic tale of the European Old World. Her use of Seshweshwe was very clever too: the overpowering silhouettes required a hard and distinctly African material to show the contrast in her designs and that's exactly how most of her clothes were executed - definitely well thought-through!

I see a lot of Bongiwe Walaza-clothed African weddings, or perhaps parties hosted by the State? Yes, it's beautiful enough to be edgy for the youngins and lovable by the parents.

Pics by Simon Deiner

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