Friday, August 20, 2010

Cape Town Fashion Week

Cape Town fashion week, in general?

I think it was Sharon Becker who pointed this out: It really has become the city where resort collections should be showcased. There is a relaxed atmosphere which sets the tone, pace and the perfect backdrop for loungey, resort collections (unlike the fast paced, racy Joburg).

This was also reiterated by the lack of high-heeled shoes in most collections - I personally do not like it... came across as an almost anti-fashion statement (not that stilettos are the symbol of fashion) - alas, it's Cape Town! lol!

The quality of the clothes is striking! Perhaps the Cape Town Fashion Council cracks the whip there and this reveals a lot about how Cape Tonians value quality, timeless pieces and that's exactly what they get. Perhaps we, consumers, need to be strict and dictate to Fashion brands HOW we want are clothes to be done (not on the design front as that's insulting... designer's are artists, not dressmakers!)

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