Monday, June 21, 2010

Gaga gone Gaga at a Gala

OKAY, not quite a gala event!

This is the outfit Lady Gaga decided she'd wear to her sister's graduation - huh?! Graduation? Although I am still getting a lot of Daphne out of this outfit (ya'll know my Gaga-drama) - have to give it to the nutty GAGA, this is something else - naturally, I love it! Including the black-veil rice-picker's hat. DEGORGE!!!!

are those Nina Ricci booties I see?

So... would she crack an invite to your wedding (pretend SHE has YOU on speed-dial and remove the celeb-factor)? or funeral? or any event where you're suppose to be centre stage? HA! she just scored two brownie points for this one!

This is what the girls at "the style bitches" had to say:

Imagine for a minute; Gaga is your sister. You’ve seen her in her favourite giraffe pajamas and heard her fart. And she swans up to your graduation looking like a demented Bee-keeper. Wouldn’t you just be like, “Here Stephenie! This isn’t Madison Square Bleedin’ Gardens! Gerrup ouh of it, will ye?

I know, hilarity at it's finest!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lol. If Gaga was my sister and she rocked up at my do looking like that, I’d be like “Damn, that girl is mad, and to have her as my sister; bitch, I am so glad!” That Girl is a MONSTER!!!